Feb 6, 20183 min

Easy Tips On How To Stick To Your New Year Resolutions

Stick to a Healthy Daily Routine

Regular exercise and a solid sleep schedule are two of the most important factors to keep in mind when setting and sticking to new goals for yourself. Without adequate sleep each night, the brain is not capable of functioning at its highest capacity, and you may experience a range of symptoms from insomnia to irritability, rage, and restlessness. Exercising moderately at least 3-4 times each week is also necessary to maintain your heart’s health while keeping your muscles strong and intact. Simply walking 30 minutes each day or implementing 60 minutes of cardio a few times a week can greatly improve your physical health along with your mental abilities.

Consider an Alternative Way of Eating Such as Keto or Paleo

One way to stick to a new way of eating is to choose a lifestyle that literally does change the way your body burns and stores fat! With the ever-expanding following of the ketogenic diet, those who have stuck to the keto eating way of life swear by it and all of the benefits it has to offer. Dr. Austin of Prime Wellness specializes in the ketogenic and paleo diet and can help you on your journey, answering questions and supporting with dietary suggestions and plans that suite individual needs. While the ketogenic diet restricts sugary and floury foods more strictly (including fruits), the paleo way of life although similar makes for more allowances, focusing on whole foods, eliminating grains and dairy, along with processed sugar.

Reasons to Consider a Low-Carb Lifestyle

  1. There are many reasons to consider a low-carb lifestyle, including some of the most sought-after results such as:

  2. Eliminating blood sugar/glucose spikes after and in between meals by switching the body into “ketosis”. Ketosis is the process of releasing ketones generated by the brain, allowing the body to process fat, followed by carbohydrates, sugar, and alcohol. A typical Western diet in contrast typically burns carbohydrates, sugar, alcohol, then fat in that order when processing food using glucose.

  3. Increase your nutrient intake by including salads and other greens in each of your meals (including breakfast). Stop filling up on nutritionally bankrupt foods such as starchy cereals, candy bars, and bags of chips.

  4. Enjoy delicious meals such as bacon and eggs or crepes (using cream cheese and eggs) as alternative breakfast options. Indulge in your favorite meats, cheeses, and vegetables whenever you desire when going for a low-carb lifestyle.

  5. Boost the amount of energy you have when your body is fully adapted to ketosis while also improving your overall memory, focus, and cognitive function.

Improve Snacks With Tasty Replacements

After the holidays pass, it can be challenging getting over homemade pie with a side of mashed potato cravings, but it is necessary to get healthy and stick to your plan. Of course, snacking on fruits and vegetables is always preferred over pound cakes and a box of crackers. Opt for a delicious and healthy smoothy to drastically increase your vitamin and mineral intake. Purchase advanced protein directly from Metagenics to guarantee meeting your daily protein goals.

If you are opting for an alternative lifestyle such as keto or paleo, consider sugar-free dessert recipes involving peanut butter, cream cheese, or dark chocolate squares? Freeze small amounts of desserts to eat whenever you feel a craving coming on to avoid caving. Create chips using cheese and an oven (or your microwave). Opt for bacon-wrapped jalapenos stuffed with cheddar as opposed to a sugary cereal or ice cream.

Incorporate Probiotics Into Your Diet

A great way to boost cognitive function while gaining total control over your gut health is to introduce probiotics into your everyday diet and routine. UltraFlora Spectrum from Metagenics is a top-performing probiotic that supports healthy immune systems and overall gastrointestinal function. UltraFlora Spectrum is a concentrated formula including 7 beneficial strains such as L. acidophilus NCFM®B. lactis Bi-07, B. lactis Bl-04, L. salivarius Ls-33, and L. plantarum Lp-115.

Taking UltraFlora Spectrum regularly helps to boost immune system response time while also improving cognitive function. Eliminating intestinal irritation along with dysfunctional bowel episodes is also possible with a regular dose of the probiotic.

Taking your New Year’s resolution seriously is the first step to set smaller goals and milestones to reach throughout your journey. Understanding how to eliminate stress from your life while implementing healthier diets and more nutrition are surefire ways to keep you motivated at all times. An active lifestyle, proper diet, and the use of the right probiotic supplement for natural medicine are all factors in a positive wellbeing.

Looking to make permanent changes to your everyday lifestyle? Let Prime Wellness help you keep your New Year’s resolutions this year.

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