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Weight Management: How to control yo-yo dieting & cravings

Specializing in Endocrinology metabolism, Dr. Austin addresses the following:

– weight management – specializing in binge eating disorder & yo-yo dieting – reducing the stressors (addressing the mental and emotional side of eating) – the science behind fat loss – why your hormones want you to be fat and how to change this – address the circadian rhythm of the body and why sleep and the hormones it creates controls weight – address cravings – address how all hormones tie into each other (thryoid and estrogen, testosterone and progesterone interact for a healthy body) – address what you need to do for long term health and to keep a healthy body weight – supplements and bio-idential hormones needed for hormone control, weight management – exericise you need to keep healthy – how to nourish your body and what foods are needed to be healthy – reset your body’s set point weight so the weight stays off for good – learn how body fat releases hormones that cause cardiovascular problems and how to stop this from occuring – learn how the digestive system controls neurotransmitters and your moods



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